Things I have learned from exclusive pumping Part 1

This post is long over due I am writing about my personal experience as a exclusive pumping mom and let’s start at the beginning in the beginning it’s hard and overwhelming and you have very sore nipples. My journey was hard and fought with some problems , the first being a premature baby who’s mouth was too small to latch on so I pumped every time I feed her day and night and I drank lots of water and electrolytes as well as eating enough calories and carbohydrates as well as protein then I would pump for about 30/45 minutes depending on how full my breasts felt .

The most important thing to remember about pumping is effective removal of milk equals more milk

The number one rule removal of milk equals more milk

A good pump schedule is a must when baby was first born I pumped every time she ate for the first 4 months here’s a sample of a pumping schedule

Sample exclusive pumping schedule

I had more milk then my baby would eat because I had a oversupply which isn’t as fun as it sounds because I was very prone to clogged ducts and mastitis so I had to frequently pump and take horse size pills of sunflower lecithin to help thin the fat so it didn’t stick and cause problem .

Power pumping is your friend if you feel like your breasts aren’t emptying it can also help increase your supply too if you feel you need more milk.

Cluster pumping mimics how babies cluster feed it’s good to cluster pump around when your baby is cluster feeding below cluster pumping is explained .

Cluster pumping mimics cluster feeding

Here’s a important note pace feeding is a must for babies eating breastmilk in a bottle I’ve attached pace feeding information

Pace feeding explained
Pace feeding

Flange sizing explained

Examples of too small just right and too big

When to change pumping parts when they wear out if exclusive pumping it’s more often than occasional pumping or part time pumping

How big babies stomach is in pictures

Normal pumping amounts per pumping session

Pumping Tips And Hacks!

As Salam Alikum Readers

It’s been a while since I’ve written a post ,

Here are some things I’ve learned about pumping breast milk.

Constancy is super important to keep up a supply so even if you’re bone tired do not skip your scheduled pump.

Make sure your fluid intake is enough basically drink lots of water then drink some more the more water you drink the more milk you will make, on that note if you’re electrolytes are not balanced it will affect your output so add either a Gatorade or coconut water 32 ounces a day to help your supply.

Calories and carbohydrates are your friend and so is protein make sure you are eating enough , breastfeeding makes you hungry so when you feel hungry eat .

Multiple sets of flanges and connectors are going to help you in the long run so you’re not always washing the parts.

You can soak the dirty pumping parts in cold water with soap and vinegar then wash later

When freezing milk do so in approved milk bags and push out all the air then seal and lay flat and freeze then store the small bags into a gallon size bag and make bricks of breast milk.

Change the yellow and white valves to the duckbill valves they last longer and are easier because they are one piece .

Make sure your flanges are correctly fitted , will do separate post for fitting flanges.

Spectra is a great pump you can use medela flanges and connectors and bottles with a simple hack either diy or can buy it off of amazon.

Breastfeeding and pumping takes time and patience, supply and demand so if you need more milk nurse and pumping more will increase your supply of milk.

Power pumping is good way to get more milk it takes time here’s a picture of power pumping .

Here’s one of cluster pumping combine the two can increase your supply fast .